Monday, December 7, 2009

Update on Spring's Blog

Spring here typing for Darol at his request. He is in too much pain to sit still and type himself. So to get the news on how he is doing and lots of the details of his daily regime, check out my blog at:

Read on! I have photos too!-Spring

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Time for a Change

I have finally done it. I put myself on medical leave and I am checking into an alternative cancer treatment center. It is called pH Miracle Living Center. More info here:
Their approach here:

While this approach doesn't sound like my first choice, I have not found anything more promising. I have had numerous people tell me that this treatment does work and I am at a point where trying to do it myself has not worked.

I am not interested in hearing controversy about this. IF however, anyone has knowledge of another center that does aggressive treatments that do not include chemo or radiation, I am interested in hearing about it.

Spring and I will likely leave (drive) Mon. Nov. 30th, stay a night in Vegas and complete the journey to San Diego area Tuesday at which point I will check in for a week. I am not sure yet of all the therapies they do, but I will blog about it once I find out. I also know that they will teach us about food prep that works with the program. That is one reason why Spring is coming with me. They have a small fee that allows a spouse to participate in the training. What a great idea!

I have been examined by Dr. Robert Young who started the center and he told me that my case is promising and I should see results in a week. This is good news because all I have been seeing is more cancers, more pain, and more loss of energy and hope.

After the first week, I am going to drive to Mesa, AZ and spend a week with my family who I have not been to see in over a year. After a week in Mesa, I am headed back to the center for another week of intensive therapy. After that, I am playing it by ear.

I hope to blog more now that I will have more time. Thank you to everyone for all your support.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Looking for Stability

Since my last post, my condition fluctuates. Some days my tumors hurt so much it is hard to sit, stand or sleep. Some days my appetite is there and sometimes it is not. I usually have a hard time eating the raw foods that I know will assist me most.

Today was interesting. I woke up hungry. My pain level is usually pretty low in the mornings. Today was a little better than most. I took a shower even though I showered last night because occasionally I break out in a sweat in the middle of the night. This happened last night too. The conditions in my bedroom are that we keep the thermostat up to 72-74 because Kanyon nurses so much that Spring usually has her torso out of the sheets and covers. I just have the (flannel) sheet over me. I have no idea why it happens only sometimes, but I almost drip when I get out of bed. Yes, we do change the sheets often ;-).

Back to the day. After my shower, Spring made me about 2 oz of wheatgrass juice which I shot. about 10 minutes later, I started drinking my lemon/ginger tea. I was so hungry that I started eating some 9-grain hot cereal immediately after finishing the tea. About 5 minutes after finishing my cereal, I went to clean my bowl and smelled the wheatgrass tray. This is the first time that this sent me making an offering to the porcelain goddess. Not fun, but not as bad as other times.

I still felt hungry so I grabbed some whole wheat bread with a little sunflower butter and half a banana and about a half cup of Silk to wash it down. I ate it on my way to work and it stayed down fortunately. I never really know how my body will react to food. Sometimes I don't even know if I can eat it unless I just eat some. I usually eat small portions too so I can give my body time to react before I am full of it. I am also ingesting some digestive aids like keifer, kambucha, and chewable enzymes. These seem to help.

For lunch, my tummy was feeling a little "iffy". I decided to eat something I used to eat before being diagnosed. A deli nearby makes a veggie sandwich on marbled-rye. Again, I was not even sure if I could eat it. I ate the whole thing. I also had a V8. It all felt quite good in my tummy. I want to stay away from breads because of their pH, but these days, I am feeling like eating something is more important than barely eating the right thing. This does cause some fear in me of course.

So again, I feel into my fears, recognize my gratitude for all that I do have, and look to improve every day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I would like to start by saying thanks to all those followed my blog so far and who bring me words of encouragement. It lifts me up.

It has been a while since my last confession/BLOG! The confession is that I was slipping into depression. My appetite for the things I know I should be eating was very low and I was eating very little instead of the things that I wanted to eat. So my energy dropped, my weight slipped, my sedentary body hurt, and still new tumors came. I just wanted to sleep.

As of about 4 days ago, I decided to change. I began eating homemade soups and beans. These brought my energy back up. I felt like moving my body again. I strove to drink my veggie juices. I could eat salads with rice or beans on them. I am getting back on my feet. I am feeling confident of my future again. And then out of nowhere the almost constant pain in the tumors around my hips subsided. At the end of today still very little pain. I feel much more like my previous self and I am in gratitude.

Gratitude is my healer. It is my focus. I have become much more emotional in the past weeks. Minor things will choke me up and I relish them. Whether I live into my 90s or not, I am so grateful for what I have lived so far. I will try to keep it short, but I must list my highlights.
I am grateful for:
My loving parents and siblings
My wife who is beside me every step
My son who is so amazing
My friends/family who have stepped in to assist so willingly
Nature which is my other healer
My boss/employer who support me 100%

So that you might understand my current world:
These days I get up on the weekdays between 7-8.
I drink a quart or more of water.
I have a cup of lemon/ginger tea.
I have a shot of wheatgrass juice.
I have some kind of breakfast of wheatmeal or something else.
I spend a little time with family.
I go to work.
I often come home for lunch of soup or salad.
I go back to work.
I leave for home around 6.
We have dinner of soup or salad or other.
We work or spend time as a family.
I get to bed between 8-11.

I focus to drink vegetable juices. These days it is Beet-carrot-apple-lemon-ginger.
It changes from time to time.
I focus to drink a gallon or more of water.
I focus to take an epson salt bath several times a week to help with the tumor pain and toxin release.
I focus to give myself a treat occasionally that is not too far off track.

I am avoiding refined sugars and minimizing natural sugars.
I am avoiding all meat.
I am open to answer ANY questions my friends or family have.
Please ask if you have any.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

getting back into the groove

I weighed myself this am at 132.

For breakfast I had some cracked oat meal. The bag called it Scottish Oats. Whatever. Not the greenest breakfast, but I had some wheat grass juice too, so I feel - did alright

Now that I have b een back for 3 days, I am up to speed on the projects I was working on when I left.
I made a nice juice blend called "CABALA".
It is Carrot-Apple(red)-Beet-Apple(green)-Lemon(entire)-Apple(yellow).
I took a quart to work and drank it all. I also went to House of Tibet with Spring, Kanyon, and a friend from work who has a child near Kanyon's age. The food wasn't raw, but it sure made me feel good to eat!

For dinner, we had a big green salad. I am happy with my food choice for the day.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Back to My Job

Well, I have been silent for a while. I just had little desire/time to get on the net. Now that I am back at work, I can take a moment after hours to post something. I will speak more about the time after the fast AND before work started in the near future.

Suffice it to say that I fell very good. There are a few aches in the muscles with cancer. Similar to a muscle that has been worked out hard. I want to eat constantly, and usually want something that is spicy, sweet, cooked, bread, dairy and other stuff that I would be best to avoid. This has been the biggest challenge for me. Sometimes I get weak and eat it anyway, but today I renewed my efforts and feel I have done well.

Off to the store now to get more veggies to juice and eat. I appreciate all the time and love sent by all. Thank you.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 20 - End of Fast

Last night after posting, I broke my fast. When I woke, I weighed in at 123.5 lbs even though I at some last night.

I broke my fast with juices. I started with a carrot-apple-ginger juice. I then had some of the beet-carrot-lemon-ginger juice that my brother made for himself last night. Hours after some juice, I then ate some tomatoes with sauerkraut and some tomato vinaigrette. This was quite satisfying. Last night my guts were churning a lot, but I expected it after a fast as my guts fill up again.

So the big question is, "Have the tumors gotten smaller?" In all honesty, I cannot say for sure. I THINK so, but not a lot. I would need to measure more precisely than just feeling with my fingers.

So I am now onto the next phase of my healing. I am drinking carrot-apple-ginger and eating tomatoes with sauerkraut. I will likely find another food soon, but I will likely stick with lots of juices from dark greens and roots. I now have the strength to keep warm and do more than sit around.